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16 Settembre 2005 Le notizie di questa settimana |Notizie Passate
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Fisitalia black
Accordion Jass Chord
  Fisarmonica Festival, Eastbourne - GB
Flaco Jimenez in Uragano Katrina Concerto, Texas - USA

Angel Luis Castaño in Concerto a Nancy - Francia
Emir Bosjnak fisarmonicista a Copenhagen - Danemarca
Nuovo Corso di Fisarmonica nella Trinity Guildhall, Londra - GB
Il Fisarmonica Camp di Montreux, Les Avants - Svizzera
Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordeon, Quebec - Canada
Festival del 25° Anniversario, Geiranger - Norvegia
Young Accordionist's Success at International Eisteddfod, Wales - UK

  Festivals Acadiens, Louisiana - USA
Poozies October Tour - UK

Fisarmonica Festival, Eastbourne - GB
Di Rob Howard

L' Eastbourne Fisarmoica Festival avrà luogo dal 17 fino al 20 Febbraio 2006. L'organizzatore John Romero, commenta:- "Quatro giorni di musica indimenticabili che soltanto fisarmonicisti sanno fare. Il nostro programma include artisti come: Andy Anderson, Gary Blair, Paul Chamberlain, Sue Coppard, Gennaro Fiondella, Harry Hussey, Lisa Lee Leslie, John Romero, Romano Viazzani e Charlie Watkins.

Supporto tecnico di Trevani Studios, Electronic Accordions Ltd e WEM. Stan Mayhew sarà disponibile per l'accordatura di fisarmoniche. Per il weekend sono previste lezioni e tutti I visitatori sono invitati di portare con se le loro fisarmoniche per poi partecipare in un concerto per ospiti".
Il Festival si svolgerà al Cumberland Hotel d'Eastbourne. Siete pregati di prenotare in tempo i vostri posti nell' albergo.

Per informazioni e-mail

Fisitalia blue

Flaco Jimenez in Uragano Katrina Concerto, Texas - USA
Di Rob Howard

Tex-Mex fisarmonicista Flaco Jimenez parteciperà in concerto il 25 Settembre nel Alamo Stadium in San Antonio. Il ricavo degli incassi andrà alle vittime della catastrofe causata dell'uragano Katrina. Al concerto parteciperanno inoltre musicisti specialisti del Cajun, Blues, Rock, Country/Western e Mariarchi.

Flaco Jimenez è stato 5 volte vincitore del prestigioso premio "Grammy Award" ed inoltre è l'organizzatore di questo concerto.

Per informazioni potete scrivere all'artista via e-mail


Angel Luis Castaño in Concerto a Nancy - Francia
Di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Il duo Fisarmonica/Cello con il Professore Angel Luis Castaño (bayan) e David Apellaniz(cello) saranno in concerto il 19 Settembre nella Sala Poirel, Nancy alle ore 20.30. Nel loro programma presentano musiche di Kuusisto, Valpola, Piazzolla, Gubaidulina, Vivaldi, etc.

Angel Luis Castaño è professore di fisarmonica e attualmente insegna al Conservatorio Superiore di Musica in Saragoza,Spagna e David Apellaniz cello/ è solista nell'orchestra Queen Sofia e nel Plural Ensemble di Madrid. Si esibiscono in Duo dal 1996 dove hanno iniziato la loro carriera con un concerto a Madrid.


Emir Bosjnak fisarmonicista a Copenhagen - Danemarca
Di Rob Howard

Il fisarmonicista Emir Bosjnak è nato in Bosnia-Herzegovina dove ha ricevuto la sua educazione musicale. Durante la guerra è emigrato in Danimarca è nel 1996 ha frequentato la Royal Academy of Music dove ha studiato con la Professoressa Jytte von Rüden. Nel 2000 si è laureato come professore di musica con fisarmonica continuando I suoi studi per "interpretazione" ottenendo una laurea con l'ode nel 2001.

Emir Bosjnak ha collaborato con l' Aarhus Symphony Orchestra e l' Aarhus Sinfonica, si esibisce frequentemente con il suo "jazz quartet 'Orient á la Tino"ed ha registrato un solo CD. Spesso è presente sulla TV Danese e alla Radio, dove un suo show è disponibile via Internet fino a Febbraio 2006 . Il 16 settembre suonerà insieme a Claude Chichon e sua Orchestra al Skørping Musikstation, il 18 settembre al Grena Kulturhus ed il 24 settembre al Café "Karavanen" in Arhus.


Nuovo Corso di Fisarmonica nella Trinity Guildhall, Londra - GB
Di Rob Howard

La Trinity Guildhall ha introdotto un nuovo corso per fisarmonica . Vengono offerte classi con esami dal 1° al 8° livello che prevedono un Primo Concerto e Performance Certificato che possono essere preparati sia in GB che in USA. Il nuovo programma include fisarmoniche a bassi sciolti e stradella bass con un repertorio separato per i due.

Trinity College ha un network per dirigenti e rappresentanti in tutto il mondo ed i loro esami possono essere conseguiti in 60 paesi.

Per ulteriori informazioni Vi potete rivolgere via e-mail a:

Fisitalia black

Il Fisarmonica Camp di Montreux, Les Avants - Svizzera
Di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Il 6° Internationale Fisarmonica Camp di Montreux si è svolto il agosto nelle bellissime montagne della Svizzera, dove, i partecipanti hanno potuto godere sia di una scenografia mozzafiato che molte attività musicali con maestri d'eccellenza come Peter e Mady Soave ed il grande entertainer Jean-Louis Noton


Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordeon, Quebec - Canada
Contributed by Rob Howard

Scottish accordionist Gary Blair sent the following report on the recent Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordeon, held in Canada:-

"Having lost my accordion on travelling, it was a relief when it arrived a matter of hours before my first performance. For me, the festival was an outstanding success. There were accordionists from around the world. Scotland, England, France, Italy, South America and, of course, Canada were represented. Throughout Montmagny, there were different stages and most performers played at least 4 or 5 times during the weekend. A huge crowd was present at the Mayor's Park in the center of town.
Some of the performers present included Gary Blair, Frederic
Vigneau and Chris Parkinson".

Baldo, Giancarlo Caporrilli, Frederic Langlais, Sam Garcia, Mickaël

Fisitalia black

Festival del 25° Anniversario, Geiranger - Norvegia
Di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov, known as the Paris-Moscow Duo hanno partecipateo al Belgiaden I Geiranger Fisarmonica Festival e ci hanno furnito con I seguenti informazioni:-

"The host Ørskog Accordion Club celebrated 25 years with a festival in Geiranger this year. During the weekend the audience could see and hear 6 concerts and dances. The mood was great, and both professional and amateur performers were on the stages. Belgiaden I Geiranger has been a success from the first festival in 1980 when Ebbe Jularbo and Lennart Wärmell were performers. This year the young recruits showed us that we will also be hearing accordion music in the future.

Every year big names from all over Scandinavia have visited the festival. This year the host had invited Domi Emorine from France and Roman Jbanov from Russia. They played both solo and duets and received massive applause. The audience was thrilled listening to a mix of classical music, folk tunes and French variety music. The artistes communicated in Russian, French, English and Norwegian!
The hosts had also their own contributors in the program.

The Junior Orchestra and the Club Orchestra were both on the stage several times, with Knut Ivar Bøe as conductor. Also performing were the youth group 'Optirock', Ingrid G. Hellen, and Oda K. Stenberg, from Vestnes, and Miquel and Daniel Falcón from Engesetdal. Another local artiste was Kristina B. Farstad, who also played solo with the club's own orchestra. Linda Gytri and Vidar Skrede played traditional folk music. The concert opened with Carl Jularbo's 'Life in the Finland Woods', in which almost every accordion player present participated. From Sweden, the famous accordionist Alf Hågedal was successful both as concert player and as a dance musician.

This festival was a great artistic and commercial success".
A to Z of the Accordion

Young Accordionist's Success at International Eisteddfod, Wales - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Faye Ventre, aged 12, from Sawbridgeworth in England, recently achieved great success being placed 2nd in the Under 16 Instrumental Solo section at the 59th Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod. Faye, a pupil of accordion teacher Stella Hughes, played a Bayan button accordion, and competed against instrumentalists from many other countries to reach the final.

In the final, which was televised by Sky Television and BBC Wales, Faye played two contrasting pieces from the 'Children's Suite No 1', by Wladislaw Solotarjow. Competing against players of the cello, violin, clarinet and piano, the adjudicators praised Faye for the maturity, musicality and sensitivity of her playing.


Festivals Acadiens, Louisiana - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

The annual Festivals Acadiens takes place from September 16th to 18th, at Girard Park and Downtown in Lafayette. This large scale Cajun festival involves such accordionists as Ray Abshire (picture right), Wayne Toups, (picture far right) Jeffery Broussard and DL Menard, plus many other musicians and bands.

The festival is in the State of Louisiana, which has, of course, been badly affected by Hurricane Katrina. One consequence is that hotel accommodation is scarce due the re-location of people made homeless.
Gary Dahl

Poozies October Tour - UK
Contributed by Christine Adams

The all-female folk band The Poozies, featuring Karen Tweed on accordion, tour concert venues around the British Isles in October and November. The dates and venues are;-

19th - Lakeside, Nottingham
20th - Courthouse, Otley, West Yorkshire
21st - Courtyard, Hereford
22nd - Village Hall, Llandinam, Wales
23rd - Musicport Festival, Whitby
24th - Rosehill Theatre, Whitehaven
25th - Tollbooth, Stirling
26th - Queen's Hall, Hexam
27th - Playhouse, Alnwick
28th - Arts Centre, Southport
29th - Centenary Hall, Peel, Isle of Man
30th - Norwegian Church, Cardiff, Wales
31st - Arts Center, Dartington
1st - 'Folk in the Fall', Purcell Room, London

Nuova critica CD

Nicola Campogrande.

critico: Paolo Picchio

Ángel Luis Castaño

Peter Piccini releases 6 compositions of 'Accordion Powerhouse', 'Accordion Fantasy', 'Accordion Caprice', 'Blue Night', 'Classical Groove' and 'Gentle Breeze'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

A new site selling a CD titled Adagio, Romance And Beyond with sound samples. Music performed by Stas Venglevski. Purchase online.

Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 6 new grade 3 arrangements'The Wild Horseman', 'Old Dance', 'Troika', 'Song Of Mirele', 'Tiritomba', and 'Landler'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Yehuda Oppenheimer

Douglas Ward releases three arrangements of 'Abacus', 'Coming Home', and 'Serenity'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Edition Harmonia

Gary Dahl's site is updated to include full length .mp3 sound files of music from 3 of his popular books. Please visit to enjoy these varied samples of music.

A new site selling a CD titled Small Hotels with sound samples. Music performed by William Schimmel. Purchase online.

The United States National Accordion News has been updated with its September edition including news from around the United States and Canada.
Accordion Jass Chord

A new site selling a CD titled Tango! Fado! Reality! with sound samples. Music performed by William Schimmel. Purchase online.
Gary Dahl

A new site selling a CD titled My Main Squeeze with sound samples. Music performed by Stas Venglevski. Purchase online.
Gary Darven
Fisitalia black

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