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06 May 2005 Le notizie passate | Invio contributi per il notiziario
Fisitalia black
Accordion Jass Chord
Informazioni dall mondo
  Mika Väyrynen in Concerto a Karjalohja e Lohja - Finlandia
La Smala, Albertville - Francia
Fisarmonicista "Jet Set" - New York, USA
Accordéon Mélancolique CD in seconda edizione - Olanda
24° Festival, Tejano e Conjunto l, San Antonio - USA

Tatiana's Concert, Auckland - New Zealand
Angel Luis Castaño, Master Classes in Murcia - Spain

Accordions at 'Jauna Muzika' Festival - Lithuania

  Accordion Festival, Déons - France
Cello and Accordion Concert, Norwich - UK
Wayne Toups Concert Schedule, Louisiana - USA
Jimmy Shand Junior Performances, Scotland - UK
Radio 3 "Suite - Il Cartellone"- Italia
Cajun and Zydeco Festival, Florida - USA

Celebrity Interview
Help/Information Required
Las Vegas

Mika Väyrynen in Concerto a Karjalohja e Lohja - Finlandia
Di Kevin Friedrich

Il fisarmonicista Finlandese Mika Väyrynen sarà nella Chiesa Karjaloha il 8 Maggio alle ore 12 per un concerto con bandoneon, chitarra ed orchestra 'Homage a Liege', di Astor Piazzola. Alle ore 15 si svolgerà un'altra performance nella Laurentius Hall in Lohja con lo stesso programma dove sarà affiancato del chitarrista Ismo Eskelinen che è considerato uno dei più popolari solisti della sua generazione ed inoltre direttore artistico del Sonkajärvi Soi Festival'. Il maestro Juha Nikkola dirige l'orchestra Lohja.

La Smala, Albertville - Francia

Il gruppo Smala è stato formato nel 1998 inizialmente come duo con Pepé alla chitarra acustica e la fisarmonicista gitana Loulou. A questo duo si sono presto aggiunti altri membri con i strumenti come, chitarra, basso e percussioni. Oggi il gruppo Smala presenta un repertorio misto che include vari stili ed influenze del mondo musicale come flamenco, latin-americano, musette, gypsy e orientale e che li ha portato ad essere presente in molti Festival in tutta l'Europa. Sul loro credito ci sono due CD con i titoli: "Yaala" e "Les gros C".

Per informazioni sui concerti, appuntamenti, CD del gruppo potete rivolgerVi via e-mail al

Fisarmonicista "Jet Set" - New York, USA
Di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Il fisarmonicista ed organista di New York Jon Hammond è ritornato a New York dalla Musikmesse di Francoforte, dove si è esibito nel locale più antico di Francoforte - il "Jazzkeller". Il prossimo appuntamento per lui sarà Houston/Texas, dove farà parte in una radion/show "Choice 90.9 FM" che trasmetterà tutta musica sua.

Da li partirà per San Francisco per ritornare in Europa, precisamente a Castelfidardo/Italia per partecipare alla Festa di Roberto (Cemex/Excelsior) & Roberta che hanno deciso di unirsi in matrimonio nella prima settimana in Giugno. Se ritornate a Francoforte anche l'anno prossimo per la fiera non scordate il Jazzkeller, John insieme ai suoi amici/musicisti (Joe Berger) sarà
ancora li!

Accordéon Mélancolique CD in seconda edizione - Olanda
Di Christine Adams

Il Duo Accordéon Melancolique con Cherie de Boer dJean-Pierre Guiran dall'Olanda hanno tutta la ragione per festeggiare. Visto il grande successo del loro ultimo CD " Parade des Poules " (tutte le copie vendute) è stato riprodotto in una seconda edizione insieme ai spartiti di tutti i titolo sul CD, specialmente arrangiate per duo. La casa editrice è REBA situata in Olanda.

Per informazioni sul duo Accordéon Melancolique's potete visitare il loro sito web melancolique/

24° Festival, Tejano e Conjunto l, San Antonio - USA
Di Kevin Friedrich

Il Guadalupe Cultural Arts Centro è l'organizzatore del Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio che si sta attualmente svolgendo fino al 7 maggio. Fra i tanti ospiti dei numerosi concerti del festival sono presenti il fisarmonicista mancino Michael Salgano e Jose Guzman.

Non soltanto i concerti attirano l'attenzione del pubblico ma anche una competizione "Poster" di cui viene scelto il poster ufficiale ed al vincitore globale sarà offerto un premio in soldi di $ 2000, la Consunto Music Hall of Fame, dove ogni anno vengono premiate ed onorate persone di fama per il loro contributo alla musica, spettacoli dei studenti di fisarmonica del Guadalupe Cultural Arts Centro', simposi ed alti programmi educativi per musica Conjunto, stand alimentari, giochi per bambini e divertimento sulle piste di ballo.

Per informazioni e-mail

Tatiana Lanchtchikova's Concert, Auckland - New Zealand
Contributed by Heather Masefield

On 17th April at 2.30pm Tatiana Lanchtchikova performed with the St Mathew's Chamber Orchestra at St Mathews-in-the-City Church as part of its 2005 programme 'The French Connection'. The 50 strong orchestra, made up of teachers and very fine performers, played a mixture of Honegger, Pruden, Haydn, with Tatiana performing the solo for bandoneon (on piano accordion) for 'Five Tangos & Sensations', by Piazzolla. A capacity audience very well received Tatiana's performance.
Fisitalia black

Angel Luis Castaño, Master Classes in Murcia - Spain
Contributed by Jesus Mozo Colmenero

Angel Luis Castaño has been invited to the Conservatorio Superior de Música in Murcia to offer Master Classes. This city is in the south of Spain and the seminar was held from April 14th to 16th, and involved a total of eight students from different regions in Spain.

After three days giving lessons to the students, the master classes concluded with a concert by the students, where they performed music by Tchaikin, Bach, Scarlatti, Pouchkarenko, etc.... The master classes was focused to technical problems, articulation, fingerings, analysis, bellows control, etc....
For further information email:

Accordions at 'Jauna Muzika' Festival - Lithuania

From April 17th to 23rd, 'Jauna Muzika', an event that is the second most important event of new music in Lithuania after the 'Gaida' festival was held. The accordion was featured prominently, with accordionist and composer Raimondas Sviackevicius performing his latest projects. One concert was dedicated to Lithuanian composers.

One work, by Donatas Prusevicius, 'A Piacere', for accordion, voice and surround system, was played in the Contemporary Art Center. 'Piece' was dedicated to the late Pope John Paul 11, and Vilija Sulcaite wrote the text. Accordion was used in an original way, all possibilities and sound techniques were mixed with voice and electronic background. The surround system played an important role in this work, which was written in a free structural form.

A work by Ramunas Motiekaitis 'Apsup(k)ti', written for accordion and electronics, also used surround system sound. The idea of that piece was to show how the accordion adapts to very unusual material. The composer used very high accordion registers to create a more intensive and 'crazy' feeling. Sounds for the background music were selected from different live acoustic sounds and were electronically transformed. The extremely high volume level caused the audience a very big shock, but the results were very well received.

The second concert that included accordion music was 'Lithuanian Multimedia Premieres'. American composer True Rosaschi, who is currently living in Lithuania, wrote a piece named '40 days - 40 nights for Live Accordion', involving accordions, EPS sound system and live surround electronics. For the first time accordions were used performing through the Internet. R. Sviackevicius played on stage in Tolerance Center, Vilnius, at the same time Pauline Oliveros in New York (well known composer and accordionist) responded to live material through Internet, and composer True Rosaschi made the electronics live, controlling all processes.

The work was written in four very different parts, from very loud fff chords in the beginning to very soft and beautiful harmonic textures, using a wide range of accordion sounds. The accordion parts, using players on two different continents, also involved much improvisational material. The project was high acclaimed by music critics and composers alike.


Accordion Festival, Déons - France
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

A large-scale accordion festival will take place in Déons, from June 3rd to 5th, including concerts and a Grand Bal Musette. The guest artistes include Marcel Azzola, Raül Barboza (Argentina), Les Blankass, Andre Broccoletti, Jean-Louis Noton, Rossy, and Andre Verchuren. The opening concert, on June 3rd, at 8.30pm, features Marcel Azzola and Raül Barboza.

On June 4th, in the Centre de Congrès, from 2.30pm to 5.30pm, there will be a free demonstration of instruments manufactured by Cavagnolo, Maugein, Hohner, Jupiter, Ballone Burini and Mengascini. In the evening, at 9pm, there will be a Grand Bal Musette dance featuring Andre Broccoletti and Andre Verchuren. The final concert takes place on June 5th, from 2.30pm to 5.30pm, featuring the demonstrators from the previous afternoon.

For further information email

Gary Darven

Cello and Accordion Concert, Norwich - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

On May 10th, at 1pm, Borut Zagoranski (classical accordion) and Ashok Klouda (cello) will perform a concert at Assembly House, Theatre Street, Norwich. Their program includes:- JS Bach - 'Sonata for Viola da Gamba and Cembalo no 1, BWV1027'
Sofia Gubaidulina - 'In croce'
Saint-Saëns - 'Prière'
Elena Firsova - 'Cruxifiction'
Piazzolla - 'Le Grand Tango'

For further information email


Wayne Toups Concert Schedule, Louisiana - USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Cajun accordionist Wayne Toups is keeping a busy concert schedule with performances, in Louisiana, as follows:-

May 4th - Baton Rouge,Texas Club
May 6th - Alexandria, River Festival
May 7th - Kaplan, Louisiana Cajun Food Festival
May 8th - Lake Charles, Contraband Days
May 12th - Jasper, TX Lions Club Rodeo
May 26th - Shreveport, Mud Bug Fest
May 27th - Alexandria, LA GG's
May 28th - Gonzales, Jambalaya Festival

Born to a French-speaking rice farmer in Crowley, Louisiana, Wayne Toups was steeped in bayou music from boyhood. He learned to play Cajun accordion at the age of 13 and was soon on stage in local talent contests playing the tunes of Iry LeJeune and other heroes of his culture. Wayne Toups is now considered a true American original as he has fused such styles as Cajun, Zydeco, Rock, Folk, R&B and Country into his own unique and very popular brand of music he terms as 'Zyde-cajun.'

For further information email

Jimmy Shand Junior Performances, Scotland - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

The Jimmy Shand Junior Trio will perform at Letham Village Hall, Letham, Fife, for a series of Old Tyme Dances, from 7.30pm on May 11th, June 8th and July 13th. Jimmy Shand Junior is the son of an accordion legend, and a very fine player and recording artiste in his own right.

For further information email




DOMENICA 08 MAGGIO 2005 alle ORE 22.00 sarà trasmesso su Radio Rai 3 il concerto per fisarmonica e piccola orchestra dal TEATRO LIRICO DI CAGLIARI con Lucio Garau e Claudio Jacomucci, fisarmonica ,diretto da Vittorio Parisi che è stato registrato il 4 aprile 2004.

Per informazione visita

Cajun and Zydeco Festival, Florida - USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

From May 13th to 15th (Friday - 5.30pm to 11 pm, Saturday - 11am to 11pm, Sunday - 11am to 8pm) the Broward County Parks and Recreation will hold the Cajun and Zydeco Festival at Quiet Waters Park in the City of Deerfield Beach. The festival aims to create an entertaining, cultural and educational opportunity by presenting authentic Cajun and Zydeco music and food representing the culture of Southern Louisiana.

Live music will be continuous with three stages of authentic Cajun and Zydeco music, jam-packed with outstanding talented performers and ample dancing on four wooden dance floors. This years festival includes performers such as Rosie Ledet, Roy Carrier, J.B.'s Zydeco Zoo, Curley Taylor, The Porchdogs, T-Sale, C. J. Chenier & The Red Hot Louisiana Band, Chubby Carrier & The Bayou Swamp Band, Dikki Du and The Zydeco Crew, Leroy Thomas and the Roadrunners, The Bluerunners and more.

For further information email

Celebrity Interview with Mirco Patarini

Now online, is a Celebrity Interview with Mirco Patarini, performer and a company director of Menghini s.r.l. the manfacturers of SEM, Scandalli and Paolo Soprani accordions. The Celebrity Interview is by famous Jazz accordionist Renzo Ruggieri in both English and Italian languages. Other languages will follow soon.


Help/Information Required

I have a vintage accordion from my grandfather, and would like to know more about it, if possible. It is in its original leather case, custom built in Italy by Cingolani (?). It has a serial number 9304. If you have any information on this please get back to me. Thank you! - Aimee. Email:



A CD review written by Paolo Picchio of two CD's by Yuri Medianik. 'Images of Three Centuries' (solo accordion) and 'Resurrection of Angel' featuring music of Piazzolla with Yuri Medianik and other musicians such as Gnesin virtuosi soloists & chamber orchestra.

Gary Darven

United States National News - May edition of the United States National News is now online. Contains news of activities from across the United States, upcoming festivals, contact information for associations and clubs in the United States as well as the May feature article entitled The Brothers Deiro as Composers by Henry Doktorski.

A to Z of the Accordion

Accordionists and Teachers Guild, International (ATG) - site has been updated to offer on-line registration for its upcoming 2005 Festival from June 15th to 19th in Richardson, Texas.

Rocky Mountain Accordion Celebration website has been updated with its 2005 festival information and schedule.
Fisitalia blue

The Rosita Lee Music Center featuring the celebrated Showstoppers Accordion Orchestra and Dancers summer concert dates have been added into the concert schedule.

The Accordion Teachers' Association of Massachusetts (ATAM) - The Accordion Teachers' Association of Massachusetts (ATAM) site has been updated with a review of the 2005 festival as well as dates for the 2006 event to be held in Newton, MA (near Boston).
Las Vegas

The National Accordion Organization of the United Kingdom (NAO) site has been updated with the full results of the 2005, 70th Anniversary Festival held in Scarborough, UK.
Gary Darven

Vassily Glubochenko - composer, arranger, performer and scientist, releases 1 new work titled 'Extinct Bougie' composed by Glubochenko, available for purchase online. A sample of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Sebastiano Cali - accordionist, composer, piano tuner, harpsichord and other early instruments maker, releases another 6 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Libiam Ne' Lieti Calici' (classical), 'Bridal March' (classical), 'Ave Maria' (classical), 'La Paloma ' (South American - Latin), 'Serenade' (classical), 'Blue Danube' (Strauss). The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

James O' Brien - composer, arranger and performer, releases another 6 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Auld Lang Syne' (traditional), 'Bridal Jig' (traditional), 'Come Back to Sorrento' (traditional), 'Drink to My Only With Thine Eyes ' (traditional), 'Ductia' (traditional), 'East Boldon' (traditional). Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
A to Z of the Accordion

Iñaki Alberdi - accordionist performer, conducter and lecturer. A new site selling his CD, Música De Cámara Actual with sound samples. Purchase online with credit card.
Fisitalia blue

Practising Music - A new site selling this popular book, written by Tom De Vree.
Gary Dahl

Wurzburger - New information/volumes of sheet music by the German publishers Wurzburger.

Music Marche - with new e-mail address:
New site in 4 languages of the accordion manufacturer-consortium of Castelfidardo/Marche.

La Damigiana - Italian Folklore Group with tradional songs, dances, music from the region Marche/Italy.

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